Learn Photography
Tel: (+61) 0428 715 310

Parents, Carers and Bubs Brisbane

19th Oct 2013 9:30 am at New Farm Park

_DSC6570_6x4_200These two hour practical sessions are designed for you to bring your children along while learning under the guidance of a professional photographer to develop your photography.

While you are welcome to take images of your children and even use them as models, the session is designed for those with children to have them at the session but does not have to focus on children photography exclusively.

Suitable for beginners to intermediate.

Max of 6 per group. Price $80.00
For more information or to reserve a place
Tel: +61 7 5545 4777
Email: info@blue-dog.com.au

Bookings are essential and the session must have minimum numbers to run.

Please note you are responsible for your children during the outing.

Other Locations this is also offered:
Gold Coast, Tamborine

No Other Events Scheduled

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Phone: +61 7 5545 4777

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